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Strategic Thinking


    Strategic Thinking

        To Connect or Not to Connect? That Is the Question. Part Three: The Language of Boundaries – Moving Into New Experiences

        This article follows on from my previous piece on boundaries, which you can read here if you missed it. How high do the stakes feel for you when you

        To Connect or Not to Connect? That Is the Question. Part Two: Experiencing Relational Boundaries

        In my first article on boundaries, I introduced the fundamentals of connecting and separating at both a cellular level and as a whole person. In this

        Welcome to the Yin Jar

        The Alembic is a jar. Sometimes we call it a vessel, or a holding space. When we work with you, we hope that this metaphor gives a sense of a journey
        Nicholas Mayhew
        Nicholas Mayhew

        Founder and managing director of Alembic Strategy Ltd, a growth consultancy focussed on strategy, leadership, M&A, coaching and change.

        Nicholas Mayhew
        Nicholas Mayhew
        Nicholas Mayhew

        Founder and managing director of Alembic Strategy Ltd, a growth consultancy focussed on strategy, leadership, M&A, coaching and change.

        Nicholas Mayhew
        Jan 13, 2022

        Barriers to Effective Decision-Making

        Do you consider yourself a decisive leader? How often do you think about your decision-making ability? Decision-making is a key responsibility of
        Roseanna Ramsey
        Roseanna Ramsey

        Strategy Facilitator and Client Manager at Alembic Strategy

        Roseanna Ramsey
        Roseanna Ramsey
        Roseanna Ramsey

        Strategy Facilitator and Client Manager at Alembic Strategy

        Roseanna Ramsey
        Jun 18, 2020

        Leadership: The Confidence to Push On

        When I was about 8 years old I got my first 'real' bike. I recall it being a predominantly green colour, with a mish-mash of parts from other bikes

        How Can a Leadership Training Programme Help You?

        What does leadership mean in today’s workplace? As a senior leader in business today, it's important for you to have the confidence to introduce

        How to Motivate Your Team

        If you’re leading a team, it’s vitally important that you can keep the members of that team motivated in order to accomplish the task at hand. But
        Ben Grant
        Ben Grant

        Trainee Strategy Facilitator

        Ben Grant
        Ben Grant
        Ben Grant

        Trainee Strategy Facilitator

        Ben Grant
        Dec 31, 2019

        Characteristics of Visionary Leaders

        Get in touch: nick.mayhew@alembicstrategy.com Visionary leaders are typically fairly simple to spot. They’re the ones that tend to be the most

        Integrating With a New Team at Work

        Whether you’re a leader, a manager or an office junior, being the new starter in the office is both exciting and daunting. It’s only natural for

        What Did I Learn From the Meaningful Human Leadership Conference 2019?

        I have currently reached the end of my 2 week internship with Alembic Strategy and attending the Meaningful Human Leadership Conference 2019 has been