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Strategic Thinking


    Strategic Thinking

        David Gray

        David Gray


        David Gray
        David Gray Jun 11, 2020

        Leadership: The Confidence to Push On

        When I was about 8 years old I got my first 'real' bike. I recall it being a predominantly green colour, with a mish-mash of parts from other bikes
        David Gray
        David Gray May 6, 2020

        To Lead Others, Start With Yourself

        Get in touch: nick.mayhew@alembicstrategy.com "If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself - your ethics, character,
        David Gray
        David Gray Mar 5, 2020

        How Can a Leadership Training Programme Help You?

        What does leadership mean in today’s workplace? As a senior leader in business today, it's important for you to have the confidence to introduce
        David Gray
        David Gray Feb 11, 2020

        Mediating Conflict for Leaders

        Get in touch: nick.mayhew@alembicstrategy.com The benefits of mediation for leadership Mediating isn't just for divorce lawyers. For C-suite leaders
        David Gray
        David Gray Nov 26, 2019

        Characteristics of Visionary Leaders

        Get in touch: nick.mayhew@alembicstrategy.com Visionary leaders are typically fairly simple to spot. They’re the ones that tend to be the most
        David Gray
        David Gray Nov 20, 2019

        Why is Business Change So Hard?

        Get in touch: nick.mayhew@alembicstrategy.com The word ‘change’ is often overlooked. At just 6 letters, the word is diminutive in appearance, almost
        David Gray
        David Gray Sep 2, 2019

        Integrating With a New Team at Work

        Whether you’re a leader, a manager or an office junior, being the new starter in the office is both exciting and daunting. It’s only natural for