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Strategic Thinking


    Strategic Thinking

        Sarah Mayhew

        Sarah Mayhew


        Sarah Mayhew
        Sarah Mayhew Aug 2, 2022


        Were you ever given a chemistry set as a child? Did it sit in the corner gathering dust, never to be used? If you did get around to using it, did
        Sarah Mayhew
        Sarah Mayhew Jul 13, 2022

        To Connect or Not to Connect. That Is the Question. Part Four: Consciously Adjusting Boundaries

        You can read the previous article from this series on boundaries here. This is the final part: Consciously Adjusting Boundaries. Feedback is a form
        Sarah Mayhew
        Sarah Mayhew Jul 6, 2022

        To Connect or Not to Connect? That Is the Question. Part Three: The Language of Boundaries – Moving Into New Experiences

        This article follows on from my previous piece on boundaries, which you can read here if you missed it. How high do the stakes feel for you when you
        Sarah Mayhew
        Sarah Mayhew Jun 29, 2022

        To Connect or Not to Connect? That Is the Question. Part Two: Experiencing Relational Boundaries

        In my first article on boundaries, I introduced the fundamentals of connecting and separating at both a cellular level and as a whole person. In this
        Sarah Mayhew
        Sarah Mayhew Jun 22, 2022

        To Connect or Not to Connect? That Is the Question. Part One: The Biology of Boundaries

        We are multi-trillion cellular beings. You have 100 billion nerve cells in your brain, each one with the ability to make up to 10,000 connections
        Sarah Mayhew
        Sarah Mayhew Mar 30, 2022

        Achieving Resolution

        We began the year with an article on finding out what is at the heart of commitment. We are apt to make wishes at the start of the year in the form